It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a waste to live in the future.”
Education Is Entertainment
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.
Using Tools Judiciously
Judicious use of a tool requires awareness of possible side effects and reactions. Otherwise, indiscriminate use may result in side effects and reactions outweighing the benefits…The cure is sometimes worse than the disease.
What Is Confidence?
Confidence is not the same as a guarantee- and I would never propose that people trust themselves to have the answer or trust themselves to succeed… it’s simply that trusting yourself is better than not trusting yourself. Shipping your best version is better than not shipping it and deciding to get better at something is the only way to get better at it.
Ordinary Times and Extraordinary Times
The extent of someone’s courage or cowardice can not be measured in ordinary times. All is revealed when something happens.
Success Traps
Success traps can be harder to get out of, because at least with failure traps, there’s incentives to change things. With success traps, the incentives are to keep doing the same thing.
Create More Than You Consume
If you want to be successful in business (in life, actually), you have to create more than you consume. Your goal should be to create value for everyone you interact with. Any business that doesn’t create value for those it touches, even if it appears successful on the surface, isn’t long for this world. It’s on the way out.
Shift From Non-consensus To Consensus
All the the returns come from being non-consensus and right – and every company has to shift from non-consensus to consensus to ultimately succeed.
Tourists and Purists
Tourist and purist – that’s my main device to understand the sections of culture, that move culture forward. You have a purist, that’s like, I know the whole art history of everything, you can’t do this, this was done 20-times before you thought of it. Like, this is the pure institution. Then there’s the tourist, who’s bright-eyed, curiosity-driven, that has a lust for learning, and they support whatever.