The difference between what the most and least learned people know is inexpressibly trivial in relation to that which is unknown.
All posts filed under “Notes”
Progress and Change
Life Without The Dull Parts
Investing Is Connecting The Dots
Investing is kind of a game of connecting the dots. The nice thing about it is the longer you are in the business, as long as you are intellectually curious, your collection of data points of dots gets bigger and bigger…Being a successful investor you need to be hungry, intellectually curious, interested, read all the time. Read a lot of newspapers. You need a certain level of randomness in order to connect things that might give you an insight into where a business is going in five years that somebody else might not see.
Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.
Titles and Leadership
Your title makes you a manager. Your people will decide if you’re a leader, and its up to you to live up to that.
Fixing Problems
What is working poorly is usually either uncorrectable or 10 times harder to correct than you may think.
The Purest Form Of Disruption
The purest form of disruption is when an incumbent invests in its own demise because their business model leaves them no choice.
Change, Cash and Balance
I have always understood that the world changes a lot. Just because you’re doing well now doesn’t mean you should be set in your ways. It’s my habit that I am very careful with my cash flow. That I means I have the extra capital to get into another industry whenever I want to. Cash flow is the most important thing. I have this principle: in the development phase, don’t forget about stability. When there’s stability, don’t forget about development. Such a balance is very important.