At the recently concluded 99th Indian Science Congress in Bhubaneshwar, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh lamented the decline of India’s scientific prowess relative to China and other nations, while listing several of the government’s initiatives to promote research and development. The…
All posts filed under “India”
Liberalization and Structural Dislocations
Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on how liberalization brings structural dislocations with it. The solution is counter-intuitively not to stop liberalization, but to liberalize deeper and faster: The fable of The Shop Around The Corner rings true in…
A Nosy Government
Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on how government interference across industries hamstrings India’s economic performance: The irony is that farmers and billionaires alike suffer the same fate at the hands of a nosy government that wants to needlessly…
India’s Road To Fiscal Ruin
Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on the Indian government’s irresponsible spending spree: “My appetite is infinite and my greed is more.” These words were uttered not by a banker or CEO from the top 1% of the income…
Unshackling India’s Domestic Capital Base
Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on why India should expand the participation of domestic institutional investors in the equity market: India’s economic growth has been achieved on the back of sustained investment and improved capital allocation in the…
Big Government
Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on the size of the Union Government: Food, steel, communications, aviation, agriculture, petroleum, renewable energy, shipping, chemicals, tourism, coal, power, science & technology, broadcasting, textiles, mining, and housing. These are not just some…
India Learns To Innovate
India is regarded as the world’s outsourcing center and a production powerhouse for generic drugs. Information technology and pharmaceutical companies have lent the India story a rich layer thanks to their reputations for efficiency. Aside from creating hundreds of thousands…
Our Nation As A Startup
Doing business in India can be overwhelming for somebody accustomed to working in a more hospitable business environment. The World Bank’s Doing Business study ranks India 134th worldwide for ease of doing business, behind lesser-talked- about nations such as Tanzania and Ghana. Besides…
Connecting The Two Indias
Much has been made of the theory that there are “two Indias” – one that is experiencing rapid economic growth and progress, and the other that is being “left behind”, so to speak. The political rhetoric of these two images…