All posts filed under “India

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Freedom Is Development

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on why freedom is development (contra Amartya Sen, whose book is titled “Development As Freedom”): …state-enforced egalitarianism is a legitimate position to have and one for which we have some sympathy in a…

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Food Stamps For Food Security

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on bringing efficiency and quality to food welfare: Building on this broad political consensus, the Union government could design a comprehensives program that provides food security to India’s masses in the form of…

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Fund Students, Not Schools

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on why public funding in education should go to students, not schools: Poor parents also have voted with their small pockets and have said no to a “free” government option, because they know…

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Free Speech Absolutism

Harsh and I have co-authored a piece on the importance of absolute, unconstrained free speech: Free speech is about preventing the state both from forcing individuals to remain silent and from forcing individuals to say something they do not want…